10 Benefits of Fasting for 12 Hours

How to do a 12-hour fast

Surely you have heard of the types of intermittent fasting. And it is that, establishing a schedule in which we let our digestion rest for a certain period of hours, is the order of the day. However, it is important to emphasize that in health we should not abide by trends, but that decisions about the eating routine are very personal, and vary depending on the requirements of each person.

Therefore, for those who intend to start intermittent fasting based on their own goals and needs, the 12/12 fast is the most recommended way to do it. This translates to fasting for 12 hours and eating for the remaining 12. For example, you can have dinner early, at nine in the evening, and have breakfast at nine in the morning.

By taking advantage of the hours of sleep, the 12-hour fast is one of the easiest to follow, since you hardly have the sensation of fasting. It is simply a matter of advancing dinner a little (if you usually eat later) or delaying breakfast.

What drinks can be taken during fasting?

During the hours of fasting, in addition to water, other liquids such as coffee or infusions (with or without theine) can be ingested  Of course, without sweetening or with any addition, since otherwise, we would be breaking the process.

Benefits of fasting 12 hours

Several investigations point to multiple benefits of intermittent fastings, such as the following.

Easier to follow

Fasting for 12 hours is much easier than following the other forms of fasting, and can also have significant benefits. As we have said, it is simply about having dinner earlier or having breakfast later. It would be something like a rather overnight fast that also does not force us to skip any food, as it does in the 16/18 fast.

Help to lose weight

When eating, the body uses food as fuel and, at the same time, stores part of it in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. At the moment when both parts are full of glucose compounds and, in addition, it is still circulating in the blood, the body stores the excess in fat deposits and that is when we gain weight.

In this sense, by fasting for 12 hours we allow the body to spend the stored reserves and, in this way, we burn stored fat.

Promotes cardiovascular health

Intermittent fasting also helps reduce triglycerides and, therefore, keeps cholesterol at bay, which helps us prevent cardiovascular diseases.

It can help prevent diabetes

Thanks to the improvement of insulin resistance and the normalization of blood glucose, intermittent fasting would also contribute to reducing the prevalence of developing diabetes.

Improves life expectancy

Practicing intermittent types of fasting also helps reduce inflammation and this lowers the risk of developing cancer cells. Also, fasting increases brain hormones to promote the growth of new cells.

Intermittent fasting contraindications

On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that, in certain situations, certain contraindications to intermittent fasting are noted. We talked about that in the following cases this type of eating routine should be avoided because it would pose health risks.

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • If you suffer from uncontrolled hyperthyroidism.
  • If there is malnutrition.
  • In situations of dementia or advanced cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  • If there is advanced renal or hepatic insufficiency.
  • In the course of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia…).
  • In cases where the person tends to stress or anxious since it can generate more tension.
  • If you suffer from migraines.

Can fasting be dangerous for health?

We have seen that, except for some contraindications, fasting for 12 hours or practicing another type of intermittent fasting can provide numerous benefits, especially if there is a weight loss goal. However, specialists insist that intermittent fasting must be followed under the supervision of a dietitian-nutritionist to avoid risks or incorrect guidelines that harm our health.

How to go from fasting from 12 to 16 hours

Many of the people who start a 12-hour fast want to go a step further in the process and follow the 16/18 hour intermittent fast. However, the latter is a bit more complicated, but little by little, with patience and perseverance, everything is achieved.

How to go from a 12-hour fast to a 16-hour fast? Take note of these guidelines because they will help you adapt to this new way of fasting successfully:

Think that it is only a difference of four more hours. To make it easier, add two hours ahead and two hours behind the day. That is, you can have dinner at seven instead of nine and have breakfast at eleven instead of nine in the morning.

Ally yourself with the drinks allowed in the fast so that the waiting time passes more pleasantly. Remember that you can have black tea or coffee, for example.

During the 16-hour period in which you can eat, you must do so consciously, prioritizing healthy foods and enjoying every bite. On the other hand, also keep in mind that, when displacing a meal, you must ensure that you meet essential nutritional needs in the rest of the dishes during the non-fasting period.

And remember that intermittent fasting is a method that you can adapt to your own goals and needs; at the time and in the way you choose. And, if one day you break “the rules” do not get overwhelmed, nothing happens! Repro

Increases the lifespan

Fasting for 12 hours can have a positive effect on your lifespan. Studies have shown that regular fasting may reduce the risk of premature death and help you live longer.

Fasting helps to reduce inflammation, protect cells from damage, and improve the immune system, all of which can lead to increased longevity. Additionally, fasting can help to reduce oxidative stress, which is caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant enzymes. This reduces the chance of developing chronic diseases, which in turn can help you live a longer, healthier life.